AZ West

Everyone on the same page during the implementation of a new EHR 

16th of January 2023

When implementing the new EHR at az West in Veurne, we worked together to ensure that all stakeholders were moving in the same direction and were fully involved in the entire process.

Setting up close collaboration using a governance structure and creating an infozine to keep employees informed and excited about the new system.
AZ West

Digitisation in hospitals. It is a must to work efficiently and safely. They also know this at az West, Veurne. Project coordinator Andrei Hollevoet and application manager & healthcare project leader Eveline Bradt explain how the electronic health record (EHR), the Clinical Workstation (KWS) from nexuzhealth, is rolled out in their hospital in a step-by-step manner.

"The introduction to nexuzhealth went smoothly”, recalls Andrei Hollevoet. "We had already examined the various players and conditions on the market in detail, and nexuzhealth turned out to be best in class in several areas. It also clicked immediately. Moreover, we were not familiar with the Clinical Workstation (KWS). Many fellow hospitals are already using it. Our decision to join forces with nexuzhealth was based on those references, the clear interfaces and the modular functionality."


Az West's needs were diverse. "As a hospital, we are obviously obligated to comply with the regulations imposed by the government, the BMUC (Belgian Meaningful Use Criteria). We were also looking for a programme that was preferably integrated to the maximum possible extent with different modules. That is more pleasant to work with, as compared to an ecosystem consisting of all kinds of different packages", says Andrei Hollevoet. "One large package that contains everything offers many advantages. You avoid duplication of registrations, information flows better, the patient pathway is clearer ... Not to mention the easier user management and the large amount of training."

Steering group and infozine

When implementing a new EHR, it is natural to get everybody on the same page. Within az West, there was already a steering committee. "This included doctors and all kinds of board members. In other words, there was already broad support", Andrei Hollevoet explains. "To increase the involvement of the end users, we gave a presentation of the possibilities of the KWS fairly early in the process."

Az West even took that in a fairly playful spirit. "We chose to combine it with a competition right away", echoes Eveline Bradt. "After all, the pathway did not yet have a name. In the end, we chose a proposal from one of our employees: iWest. The winner won a tablet! And along the way, we noticed that a lot of end users still had questions. We decided to create an infozine to get everyone on board for the implementation of KWS. We provide updates in it every two months. Employees appreciate it. It also allows Andrei and I to profile ourselves as EHR employees throughout the hospital. We also introduce the nexuzhealth employees in it. It is a matter of keeping the subject alive. Moreover, we regularly gauge the opinions of end users. Because of those initiatives, there is quite a lot of enthusiasm for the new EHR."

Including nice bits of information.

The infozine is a hit. It gets employees excited about the KWS and increases involvement. It has to, if you want to make major changes. "In each edition of the infozine, we focus on one department within the hospital. For example, we outline how the EHR will affect the geriatrics department. In this way, we create correct expectations for each target group. Here and there, we also add ‘did you know...?'. These different types of communication are incredibly important”, says Eveline Bradt. "It also includes QR codes to videos. We also communicate about it on our Facebook page."

Training materials

Because nurses are on duty 24/7, we start work with a number of key users per shift. "This way, we keep communication accessible. For example, in case there are questions from end-users. Whether new employees come on board", it is said. "Those key users are the first to follow the training courses. Nexuzhealth also provides us with training material and PowerPoint presentations. So, as application managers, we get a lot of support. That is quite effective. We then - together with the key users - give the training to the end users. In small groups. Anyone who has questions afterwards or wants extra training may always let us know. We even provide videos to repeat everything again at your own pace." Az West itself has also designed compact booklets with the most important functionality and questions on the most frequently asked questions. "There is a pocket-sized booklet on every shift, so that everyone can take a peek if needed! The QR codes take you straight to a video that explains a specific function in detail. That works more efficiently than an extensive manual and is also much more accessible."


"Introduction to nexuzhealth went smoothly. We had already extensively researched the various players and conditions on the market, and nexuzhealth turned out to be best in class in several areas. It also clicked right away."

Andrei Hollevoet
Project Coordinator

Pathway mapped out

If everything goes as planned, az West will be operational in the nursing and medical module of the EHR by the end of 2023. "The programme is fully outlined and the basics are in place. The next logical steps include the separate modules for medication, the operating room and radiology. By mid-2025, everything should be fully rolled out", says Andrei Hollevoet. "In the meantime, we are already telling our patients the new EHR and are encouraging them to use mynexuzhealth so they may follow up on their own records."

Benefits for all stakeholders

The main benefit of a well-oiled EHR is the information flow. "That is crucial”, says Eveline Bradt. “I come from the field myself and know all too well that some records are fragmented: after all, there are medical and paramedical opinions, but they are not centralised. Nurses will be able to enter care records more easily with the new EHR that will ensure that corresponding plans are created in accordance with our hospital-wide procedures. This is going to greatly increase care efficiency, particularly for new staff. It will take some energy to learn to use the KWS, but once you see the logic everything will be clearer and will run more smoothly. That's a win-win situation for both the care provider and the patient."


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