Hi, I'm Josy.

I’m also patient Josy.

My care pathway involves various healthcare institutions and specialists. From the hospital to my physiotherapist. And trust me, it's complicated.

What would my ideal care pathway look like? With digital help, it could be simple:

Arrow down

my medical data in one central place, wherever I am.
with all of my healthcare providers, avoiding pointless telephone calls and appointments.
…in my care by completing targeted and personal questionnaires.

To be honest,
in real life it’s often a different story.

The healthcare sector is struggling with fragmented systems and apps that run parallel or aren’t connected, leaving me to find my own way through. This can mean my healthcare journey doesn’t always go smoothly. And unfortunately, the quality of my care suffers as well.



With medical data located in different digital locations, it’s impossible to get an overview of my situation.



Since little data is exchanged between healthcare providers, crucial information in my complex care pathway often gets lost.



I don’t always get continuous care, and I’m sometimes confused by the tangle of treatment plans. The result? A lot of frustration.

It could be – and should be – done differently.
With one digital health record for me, my personal network and my healthcare providers.

An electronic health record (EHR) contains my medical data, which goes wherever I go, so I can find all my health information and results easily and quickly. Whether the data is from my general practitioner or a specialist, or regarding anything else, from rehabilitation to home care.

One secure healthcare record makes that collaboration possible, with access for all the healthcare providers in my network. Including primary care-givers. Using smart technologies, of course. And enabling more proactive care. It’s quick, efficient and personal.

Sounds like the perfect solution.


What are the benefits for me?

  • Quick access to my medical data; regardless of my location or the situation, even in emergencies.
  • More involvement in and understanding of my own health.
  • No unnecessary telephone calls or hospital visits that have me telling my story, over and over again.
  • Giving me the opportunity to prepare for consultations.
  • Going paperless by making and managing direct appointments in my calendar.
  • Having all my medical administration in one place, with a convenient overview of all invoices.
  • Completing diaries and questionnaires so that care is tailored to my needs.

And I’m not the only one making good use of my digital medical records. My healthcare providers benefit, too:

  • Less administrative work and streamlined data transfer between healthcare institutions.
  • Misunderstandings are avoided, and there is better collaboration with me, as a patient.
  • A greater understanding of my consultations and more efficient referrals, because they have a complete picture of my health situation.
  • Patients who can monitor their treatments are more likely to stick to them.
  • Fewer pointless or duplicate examinations and referrals.
  • Supporting a hybrid care model – with telemonitoring, for example – enables better follow-up, even at home.

In short, one digital health record not only makes my care pathway safer and easier, it also improves the quality of care for everyone.

We know that the future of healthcare lies in collaboration and technology. So let's start today and make it more accessible, more efficient and more patient-oriented.

Always connected for better care

Nexuzhealth brings healthcare professionals, healthcare institutions and patients together on one central electronic health record. Safe, user-friendly and driven by continuous innovation.

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