
Your digital health record, always and everywhere at hand

View your electronic health record quickly, easily and securely on mynexuzhealth. Consult your appointments, examinations, bills and much more at any time.
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From scattered puzzle pieces to a clear care pathway for Josy

Every day, patients like Josy experience how fragmented systems complicate their care journey. Information is missing, healthcare providers work in silos, and as a patient, you have to piece everything together yourself.

But what if medical data were truly consolidated in one place? If healthcare providers could collaborate more efficiently and you, as a patient, could play an active role in your own care pathway?

Dive into Josy's story
health record

What is an electronic health record?

Your electronic health record gathers your medical information in a single, secure digital location. This way, all important information is available to you right away and your care providers can work together closely to provide you the best care.

More about the health record

Discover all the features offered by mynexuzhealth

Checking your medical records, paying bills, making appointments and much more: mynexuzhealth makes your life easier. Wondering what else is possible? Find out all about it here or start exploring the features in the app right away.

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Discover all features

With the app, your medical record is always at hand

Install the mynexuzhealth app for easy and secure access to your medical record, anytime and anywhere. Get instant notifications in case of important messages. 

Download the app for iOS Download the app for Android
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Questions? We are happy to answer them

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about mynexuzhealth. Do you have any specific questions about the contents of your medical record? If so, it is best to contact your care provider or healthcare institution.  

Frequently asked questions
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Experts discuss: How can AI improve healthcare?

Experts discuss: How can AI improve healthcare?

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Telemonitoring as part of the electronic health record

Telemonitoring as part of the electronic health record

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We are here for you

Any questions or can we help with anything?

The answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found on the website. If you still have questions, please contact the service desk or your hospital.

Our service desk Frequently asked questions
Contact the following healthcare facilities directly:

MS Center MelsbroekAZ TurnhoutSint-Trudo Sint-TruidenAZ Glorieux Ronse – AZ Jan PortaelsRehabilitation Hospital Inkendaal