
Annual Report 2023: On to the NEXt Seven

Over the past year, we at nexuzhealth have continued to work together intensively to accomplish our vision of “healthy people in a healthy society” using state-of-the-art software. In fact, that’s what we do every day: leverage our technological expertise to optimise processes and enable better collaboration between different actors in healthcare. 


Our know-how may be unique, but our shared passion for technology and healthcare is just as important. It is this combination of expertise and passion that also bore fruit in 2023: within one year, the number of mynexuzhealth users grew from 1 million to almost 1.5 million. Add our 39 healthcare institutions and more than 2,200 general practitioners to that, and it is clear that the nexuzhealth community has taken another solid step forward. A result we can all be proud of.

At the same time, we are looking ahead with a strong dose of healthy ambition, ready to further optimise our platforms as well as to serve new actors in the broader healthcare landscape. An example of this is our ambitious new project for laboratories.

"Together, we head into the NEXt Seven with our high-performance software solutions to ensure even smoother collaborations and increasingly better patient care."
Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 13.14.24
Gertie Delande

CEO nexuzhealth

With our software and the involvement of our rapidly growing community, we already have the building blocks in place to realise our mission on an ever-increasing scale. In the NEXt Seven (or in other words, the next seven years) we will focus on activating as many healthcare providers and healthcare institutions as possible from different disciplines within our community. Moreover, we are also looking beyond our borders by targeting Brussels and Wallonia at home as well as new, foreign markets.
But while doing all of this, we continue to provide the best service to our current customers. While we pride ourselves on our high customer satisfaction levels, we are by no means resting on our laurels. Our continuous efforts to collect customer feedback form the basis for continuous improvements.
Our achievements as presented in this annual report are the result of the commitment and contributions of numerous people. I would therefore like to sincerely thank everyone in the nexuzhealth community: our teams for their dedication and expertise, our users for their valuable insights and our partners for their trust. Together, we head into the NEXt Seven with our high-performance software solutions to ensure even smoother collaborations and increasingly better patient care. Let’s keep driving digital care, together.  

Investing heavily in the growth of the nexuzhealth team

Following the considerable growth of the nexuzhealth team in recent years, it was time to further improve our internal efficiency. A deliberate choice, as emphasised by Simon Iven (Director People Success): “In the midst of the war for talent, our mission appealed to countless people: the combination of technology and care turned out to be a strong asset. After all, your work with us has a significant social impact.”

“I only realised how fast we’d grown when I saw our entire team together during our annual company gathering: it was definitely time to evaluate whether the right competencies were being used in the right place as well as how we could best support our team members in their roles. This is why the focus was on training rather than recruitment in 2023. For example, we actively worked on leadership. At nexuzhealth, we strongly believe in servant leadership, a leadership style that is more about empathy and support.
In addition, a shift from personal ownership to organisational ownership was also emphasised: the enthusiasm of the early days, when everyone focused on different things, is now embedded in our DNA. In recent years, we’ve evolved into a company with a clear structure and well-defined responsibilities. But rest assured: the passion of those first seven years will be as strong as ever in the NEXt Seven.”
Curious about more interesting insights? Everything about our achievements in 2023 and what's coming in the NEXt Seven can be found here in our annual report.