
Annual Report 2023: looking forward with Stijn Bijnens

The story of nexuzhealth is one of healthy growth. What was a start-up not so long ago has today become one of the country’s leading scale-ups. The numbers don’t lie. Thanks to us, today more than 1.4 million patients have access to their digital health records. Something we can rightfully be proud of. Moreover, as an autonomous company, we look to the future with great confidence. We are continuously improving the quality of healthcare with our self-developed SaaS solutions.

Relieving healthcare professionals of their burden: that’s how you could summarise our activities. Not merely because our solutions are exceptionally high-performing and secure, but also because they are extremely user-friendly. As a result, healthcare providers can focus on what really matters: providing the best care to patients every day. In addition, thanks to our platforms, collaboration within the field of healthcare is smoother than ever before: as facilitators, we connect patients and healthcare providers to ensure more efficient pathways. In the coming years, we will fulfil this connecting role more than ever.
Looking to the near future, the affordability of our care is also crucial. In that respect, the economy of scale of a centralised electronic health record creates clear opportunities. Indeed, the broadbased rollout of our platforms also has a positive impact on the affordability of IT systems in Belgian healthcare. At nexuzhealth, we facilitate this affordability based on our cost-sharing principle.
"We look beyond the hype, and do the right things at the right time, every time."
Stijn Bijnens

Chairman of the Board

Efficient collaboration for better care

The next seven years will also be marked by the rapidly growing amount of data in healthcare. As the co-pilot for healthcare providers, we want to ensure that these data are used optimally within streamlined work processes and efficient collaborations, always with respect for privacy and security. Moreover, our solutions are part of a larger ecosystem of medical innovation. These solutions will focus not only on cure but also on prevention, by analysing existing data and recognising patterns. This will ensure that everything is measurable and that continuous improvement is possible.

Anyone involved in technology today cannot ignore AI. We will definitely use AI tools, but only if they enhance our platforms with a view to providing better care. We may be technology-driven but that does not mean we get swept away by every hype. As a pragmatic organisation, we always look at the real needs in healthcare as well as the possibilities that are in conformity with regulations. This is how we do the right things at the right time, every time, to achieve our goal step by step.

Growing together as a nexuzhealth community

For the next seven years – the NEXt Seven – our ambition is to grow further to become the benchmark company in technology for healthcare providers and patients. Domestically, but also internationally. Besides this geographical expansion, our growth will also be determined by product expansion - including solutions for laboratories as well as numerous other applications for various aspects of healthcare.

So while we are ready to realise our full potential, we always make sure that our ambition is accompanied by a healthy dose of modesty. That’s because even though we may be strong in what we do, we are always at the service of our users and partners in the healthcare sector. They are the ones who give us our reason for existence. Together with them, we form one big nexuzhealth community: a community on the threshold of a particularly promising future.

Curious about more interesting insights? Everything about our achievements in 2023 and what's coming in the NEXt Seven can be found here in our annual report.